Jefferson Primary School - 3rd grade Jefferson writers had a surprise visit from published author Corrie Salmon! She talked about the writing process and how her children's book came to fruition. It's called - I'm Too Big to be This Little. She left us all feeling inspired to write our own stories!

Edison Junior High School - Innovation Lab
Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Roigers' STEM project with augmented reality and 3D design. Mrs. Watson's Science class - coding drones for an engineering design challenge.

Jefferson students welcome Miss Marigold!

Jefferson Primary School - Slime Time for a class reward in Mrs. Mathis's class!

Jefferson Primary School would like to wish Mr. Arnsman a Happy Birthday!

Our Pekin 108 band teachers, Mr. Sheldon and Miss Hendrick, are having fun visiting the Washington and Wilson 5th grade music classes. During their visit, students learn about the instruments of the band, what each instrument sounds like, and how to make a sound on different instruments. Band begins in 5th grade and any 5th grade student that would like to learn how to read sheet music and how to play an instrument are welcome to join the band! Students receive a note to take home about enrollment after each classroom visit. Mr. Sheldon and Miss Hendrick are finishing up their visit to Washington classes and will visit Wilson classes this week.
In addition to Mr. Sheldon’s and Miss Hendrick’s visit, the Pekin 108 junior high band is going to do a short concert for 5th grade students. They have been rehearsing some popular tunes for their performance that includes: Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Encanto, Supercalfragalisticexpialidocious, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and much more!
Families interested in enrolling their child in the band program should attend one of the two beginning band parent night sessions on Wednesday, September 14th from 4:30-5:30PM or 5:30-6:30PM. Those who cannot attend, would like a copy of the enrollment note, or want more information should contact Mr. Sheldon cody.sheldon@pekin108.org
Mr. Sheldon and Miss Hendrick look forward to teaching your child how to read sheet music and how to play a band instrument! Come join the band!

Jefferson Primary School - the third day of third grade - STEM bins!

Jefferson teachers walk to Washington Intermediate School for District Institute on the first day of school.

Jefferson Primary School - Celebrating 3rd Grade Poets!

Edison Junior High School - Spring Choir Concert

Starke Primary School - Celebrating Earth Day

Jefferson Primary School -
Mrs. Mathis's class researched the cat family.

Edison Junior High School - Spirit Week - Tourist Thursday!

Edison Junior High School - Spirit Week - Decades Day

Jefferson Primary School - Celebrating the end of IAR testing with an ice cream party! These third graders worked very hard!

Jefferson Primary School - Mrs. Mathis's class presented their women's history month presentations this week.

Monday, February 21, 2022 - President's Day - No School

This Friday, February 18, 2022 is a School Improvement Planning Day. K-8 will have Early Dismissal and there will be no AM PFEC. K-3 dismiss at 11:40 AM 4 -6 dismiss at 11:15 AM 7-8 dismiss at 11:00 AM

Jefferson Primary School - Jefferson 3rd grade students succeeded in persuading Mr. Arnsman to buy them all ice cream for an ice cream sundae party. He had to find a way to keep the ice cream cold today. He had to buy so much that it wouldn’t all fit in the freezer!

L.E. Starke Primary School - Always fun learning with Mrs. Barbaris!