The link to sign into Infinitec is here.
Required Quizzes for all staff:
Bloodborne Illness - Hepatitis
Bloodborne Illness - HIV
Food Allergies
Mandated Reporting
Educator Ethics Quiz
To locate and take the required quizzes:
Click the Online Classroom tab.
There is a small dropdown menu marked "Resource" located under the video.
In the Resource dropdown menu, choose "Commonly Required Presentations".
Choose a required video and play it.
Take quiz.
Review quiz results.
80% and higher is passing.
You may retake quizzes as many times as needed to pass.
Once all required quizzes are complete, print out a list of your completed quizzes and scores. You can get this report by following these steps:
Log into myInfinitec
Click the Online Classroom tab
Click the Review Quiz Results button. This will create a one page document which you need to print and give to Matt before the end of the day on Dec. 2.